Anonymous hackt US-Justizministerium
Anhänger der Aktivistengruppe Anonymous haben in das US-Justizministerium eingebrochen und 1.7 GB an Daten gestohlen. Die Begründung:
Wir, als Anonymous wollen die Korruption der Regierungen beenden und bringen die Daten ans Licht.
Es wurden E-Mails und Datenbanken veröffentlicht.
Hier der engl. Text des Videos:
Greetings world,
We are Anonymous.
Today we are releasing 1.7GB of data that used to belong to the United States Bureau of Justice, until now.
Within the booty you may find lots of shiny things such as internal emails, and the entire database dump.
We Lulzed as they took the website down after being owned, clearly showing they were scared of what inevitably happened.We do not stand for any government or parties; we stand for freedom of people, freedom of speech and freedom of information.
We are releasing data to spread information, to allow the people to be heard and to know the corruption in their government. We are releasing it to end the corruption that exists, and truly make those who are being oppressed free.
The price we pay very often is our own freedom. The price governments pay is the exposure of their corruption and the truth being revealed, for the truth will set us free in the end.
So once more we call on you. Hackers, activists, and freedom fighters; join us in our struggle against these corporateWhat’s next? What’s next is… all they can do is shut down the Internet itself. And we see, how that went for them, in Egypt. And we the people know, that when the government shuts down the Internet, that’s when it’s time to shut down the government.
We are Anonymous
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us
Artikel von, 21.05.2012: Anonymous hacks Bureau of Justice, leaks 1.7GB of data