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Hacker veröffentlichen 1 Mill. Datensätze von iOS-Geräten als vermutete FBI-Überwachung

Hacker der losen Gruppe LulzSec haben Datensätze veröffentlicht, die aus den Beständen des FBIs stammen sollen. Insgesamt seien 12 Millionen Datensätze gefunden worden, die u.a. die eindeutige UDID von Apples iOS-Geräten beinhalte. Vor der Veröffentlichung wurden einige persönliche Daten wie Name, Telefonnummer, Adresse entfernt. Diese Daten sollen aus einem FBI-Laptop stammen, der in diesem Jahr gehackt wurde.

Es wurde bisher noch nicht bestätigt, dass es beim FBI einen Hackereinbruch gab. Fraglich ist auch, was das FBI mit den Daten vorhatte.


„there you have 1,000,001 Apple Devices UDIDs linking to their users and their APNS tokens. the original file contained around 12,000,000 devices. we decided a million would be enough to release. we trimmed out other personal data as, full names, cell numbers, addresses, zipcodes, etc. not all devices have the same amount of personal data linked. some devices contained lot of info. others no more than zipcodes or almost anything. we left those main columns we consider enough to help a significant amount of users to look if their devices are listed there or not. the DevTokens are included for those mobile hackers who could figure out some use from the dataset“

Was war die Motivation zur Veröffentlichung der Daten?

„well we have learnt it seems quite clear nobody pays attention if you just come and say ‚hey, FBI is using your device details and info and who the fuck knows what the hell are they experimenting with that‘, well sorry, but nobody will care. FBI will, as usual, deny or ignore this uncomfortable thingie and everybody will forget the whole thing at amazing speed. …
So without even being sure if the current choice will guarantee that people will pay attention to this fucking shouted:

Woher kommen die Daten? (wieder LulzSec)

During the second week of March 2012, a Dell Vostro notebook, used by Supervisor Special Agent Christopher K. Stangl from FBI Regional Cyber Action Team and New York FBI Office Evidence Response Team was breached using the AtomicReferenceArray vulnerability on Java, during the shell session some files were downloaded from his Desktop folder one of them with the name of „NCFTA_iOS_devices_intel.csv“ turned to be a list of 12,367,232 Apple iOS devices including Unique Device Identifiers (UDID), user names, name of device, type of device, Apple Push Notification Service tokens, zipcodes, cellphone numbers, addresses, etc. the personal details fields referring to people appears many times empty leaving the whole list incompleted on many parts. no other file on the same folder makes mention about this list or its purpose.

Diese eindeutigen UDIDs können dazu benutzt werden, um Benutzerprofile zu erstellen.

Was ist die UDID?
Wo kann ich die UDID auslesen?

Artikel von theregister.co.uk, Artikel vom 04.09.2012: Hackers leak ‚1 MILLION records‘ on Apple fanbois from FEDS


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