Hacker im britischen Verteidigungsministerium
Hacker haben in geheime Systeme des britischen Verteidigungsministeriums eingebrochen. General Jonathan Shaw, Veteran im Falkland- und Irak-Krieg: „I think it was a surprise to people how vulnerable we are“. Das britische Ministerium der Cyber-Security hat dies veröffentlicht. Die Anzahl der Sicherheitsvorfälle sei jedoch sehr klein. Es sollten mehr Personen eingestellt werden, die sich mit den neuen Techniken auskennen und damit aufgewachsen sein, so der General.
My generation … we are far too old for this; it is not what we have grown up with. Our natural recourse is to reach for a pen and paper. And although we can set up structures, we really need to be on listening mode for this one. If we want to work the response, if we want to know really what is happening, we really have to listen to the young kids out in the street. They are telling us what is happening out there.
Shaw: Das Ministerium
was doing badly … but we could do a hell of a lot better. We will get there, but we will have to do it fast. I think it was a surprise to people this year quite how vulnerable we are, which is why the measures have survived so long in the [budget] because people have become aware of the vulnerabilities and are taking them seriously.
The likelihood is there are problems in there we don’t know about.
Technische Informationen über den Angriff wurden nicht veröffentlicht. Ebenso liegen noch keine Beweise vor, wer für den Einbruch verantwortlich ist. Jedoch werden China und Russland beschuldigt, hinter vielen Angriffen auf US- und UK-Firmen und -Behörden zu stecken.
Der General:
The military top brass had been the „hardest to convince“ about the cyber-threat, because high-ranking officers tend to be set in their ways. „We are the wrong guys to deal with this.“
The real challenge is how we secure our supply chains. We are dependent on industry for our technological edge … and preserving that intellectual property is absolutely vital.
Cyber implies something technical. To the average person in the street, cyber means it is someone else’s problem. But it is everyone’s problem. We can’t just leave it to the techies.
Artikel von guardian.co.uk, 03.05.2012: Hackers have breached top secret MoD systems, cyber-security chief admits